Season 1
Cash-in-Transit Robbery Surge

In South Africa, one of the types of aggravated robbery that is expanding the fastest is cash-in-transit robbery. It continues to be a major problem on South Africa's highways and threatens both public safety and the country's economy. Earlier this month, two suspected thieves were killed in a gunfight between police and them in New Glasgow, Verulam, North of Durban. The 55-year-old man who was one of the suspects was known to be a renowned person who has been implicated in at least 23 different robbery instances. Two crew members of a cash-in-transit van were hurt a few days ago in a heinous heist on the N2 just north of Mandeni and Gingindlovu in KZN. On this episode, we speak to Crime expert Calvin Rafadi as well as reformed bandit Trinity Msibi

Inkinga yamanzi 

Ngokusho komnyango wezamanzi nokuthuthwa kwendle, omasipala banomthelela enkingeni yamanzi kuleli ngokwehluleka kwabo ukugcina ingqalasizinda isesimweni esilungile ,ukungakhokheli amabhodi amanzi kanjalo nokugcolisa kwemithombo yamanzi ebalulekile. Ungqongqoshe wezamanzi nokuthuthwa kwendle uveze ukuthi kusukela ngoNhlangulana ,omasipala ezweni lonke bakweleta amabhodi amanzi u-R22bn.

Imishado mbumbulu

Ezinsukwini nje kuboshwe abasolwa abathathu eGreyville, esifundazweni i Kwazulu-Natal, besolwa ngokushadisa abesifazane baseNingizimu Afrika ngokungemthetho nabantu bokufika abangenazo izincwadi zokuba kuleli. Ngokusho kwamaphoyisa kusolakala ukuthi kukhona labasolwa abasebenza naye ongaphakathi ehovisi lomnyango wezasekhaya. Namuhla, ohlelweni I Asikhulume/Let’s Talk sibuza ukuthi kungani inani lemishado engekho emthethweni liphezulu kangaka?

100 days of GNU

The GNU recently marked 100 days since the national elections. On this episode, we talk about whether the GNU has been a success and how the future looks like. We spoke to Political Analyst Prince Mashele as well as Prof Bheki Mngomezulu who is the Director of the Centre for the Advancement of Non-Racialism and Democracy at the Nelson Mandela University.

Spaza deaths

Ngeviki elidlule, kungcwatshwe izingane ezinhlanu ezisolwa ngokuthi zidle ukudla okunoshevu okuthengwe esipaza sabokufika e-Naledi, Soweto. Ingane yesithupha ishone ngeSonto emuva kokuhlala iviki egunjini labagula kakhulu, phecelezi i-Intensive Care Unit.

Election of the new Tshwane mayor

Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink has been removed from his position as the metro's political leader following an ANC-sponsored motion of no confidence against him at an ordinary council meeting at Tshwane House. We talk to Regional Secretary of Tshwane George Matjila, Abel Tau who is a former MMC of Tshwane as well as political analyst Prince Mashele.

Mfundo yesiSekelo

Uhlelo lwezemfundo lwaseNingizimu Afrika lubhekene nengwadla, engaphezu kokuntuleka kwengqalasizinda noma amagumbi okufundela agcwele ngokweqile. Abazali nothisha kuzomele bavivele ukudonsa ngejokalensimbi ngenxa yokuncishiswa kwesabelomali soMnyango wemfundo eyisiSekelo. Lokhu kuvele enkulumeni kangqongqoshe womnyango wemfundo eyisiSekelo, uSiviwe Gwarube, esithangamini nabezindaba. We unpack what these budget cuts mean for the future of our children, the quality of education, and the broader implications for South Africa as a whole. Ukudingida kabanzi lolundaba asamukeli uNgqongqoshe wezeMfundo eyisiSekelo, uSiviwe Gwarube

Ukuphalala kwegazi epulazi lezingulube

Ngenyanga eyedlule abesifazane ababili babulawe ngesihluku epulazini lezingulube ngaphandle kwasePolokwane, e Limpopo, izidumbu zabo zalahlwa ehokweni lezingulube. Lesisenzo esinyantisa igazi sivuse intukuthethelo,kwaqubuka nemibuzo ebucayi mayelana nokucwasa ngokwebala,udlame, kanye nesimo somphakathi esiphila kuwo. Lesigameko siyisikhumbuzo esikwenza udle amathambo engqondo malungana nokucwasa ngokwebala okuqhubekayo eNingizimu Afrika. In this episode we look at the issue of hunger, racism and the impact this has on a person's dignity and why is this still an issue thirty years into our democracy.

Two Pot Retirement System

Selidumela emasumpeni ngaphambi kokuqala kohlelo i-Two-pot retiremebt system. Loluhlelo mbukeli luvumela ukuthi izisebenzi zikwazi ukucaphuna ingxenye yemali esikhwameni somhlalaphansi eyisinqolobane, kanti enye imali izolondolozwa esikhwameli sesibili esingeke sithintwe, kuze kube wukuthi umuntu uthatha umhlalaphansi. Injongo yaloluhlelo ukwethula umthwalo osemahlombe kulabo abangaphansi kwengcindezi yezemali ikakhulukazi abacwila ezikweletini. Yize kunjalo, kepha kuningi okukhathazayo ngokuthi izisebenzi zizothola malini, uma isikhungo esiqoqa intela u-SARS sesidonse imali yaso.Ukuze siqonde kanzulu ukuthi loluhlelo luzosebenza kanjani samukela isihambeni sethu Khanyi Nzukuma oyiCEO eGlacier by Sanlam


This week, we shine the light on the rising extortion cases in parts of the country. The Eastern Cape town of Mthatha is battling syndicated extortion, which has led to at least one school and several businesses shutting down, according to reports.

Ukuphepha Ezikoleni

Inhlangano kamhlabuhlangene ebhekele izingane i-UNICEF, inxusa uMnyango weMfundo eyisiSekelo kuleli ukuthi ubukeze imihlahlandlela yezokuphepha ezikoleni. Lokhu kulandela izigameko zakamuva ezishaqisayo malunga nokuphepha kwabafundi kanye nothisha.Kweisigameko esibe undabuzekwayo,ividiyo esabalele ezinkundleni zokuxhumana etshengisa abalisa abathathu okukhona kubo umfundisi uMboro ephethe ucelemba, esabisa ngokuhlasela abafundi nothisha. Ngaphezu kwalokhu kuphindwe kwatholwa isidumbu somfundi egunjini lokugcina impala esikoleni, esifundazweni i-WesternCape. Kulesiqephu sibheka ukuthi yini engenizwa ukuqinisekisa ezokuphepha ezikoleni.

Ukuphathwa koHulumeni baseKhaya

UNgqongqoshe wezokuBusa ngokuBambisana neziNdaba zoMdabu uVelenkosini Hlabisa, uthi uhulumeni kazwelonke uzoqala ukuqinisa isandla komasipala abangaphethwe kahle.UHlabisa uthi uMnyango unezinhlelo eziningi zokungenelela okuhlanganisa nokubeka omasipala ngaphansi kweso lomlawuli noma kuhlakazwe imikhandlu.Njengoba uNgqongqoshe uHlabisa engena kulelihovisi ubhekene nezinselele eziningi. Lokhu kubandakanya izinhlekelele zemvelo zakamuva , omasipala abadonsa kanzima ngenxa yokugqoza kwezidingongqangi.

Uhulumeni omusha wesifundazwe-KwaZulu Natal

UNdunankhulu waKwaZulu-Natal, uMnuz Thami Ntuli, usezibophezele kuhulumeni wobumbano wesifundazwe ukuthi uzosebenzisa izinhlaka zikahulumeni ukusiza ekukhuliseni umnotho ngokudidiyela nokudalwa kwamathuba emisebenzi eminyakeni emihlanu ezayo. UNtuli uphinde wazibophezela ekuzibopheleleni kwabaphathi bakhe ekwehliseni ububha kanye nokubhekana nezindleko eziphezulu ukuphila kanye nokwakha isimo esikwaziyo, esinesimilo kanye nentuthuko ngesikhathi saso sokuqala.

Shining the spotlight on Women, youth and persons with disabilities

South Africa continues to fight issues affecting women, youth, and people with disabilities. Their challenges have increased and include a variety of issues such as social and economic challenges. Recently, President Cyril Ramaphosa unveiled new members of the National Executive for the seventh administration, which includes all GNU parties. Among these were the Department of Women, Youth, and People with Disabilities.

Racism's Enduring Shadow

Apartheid and colonialism left behind racism in South Africa, which continues to have an impact on Black life today. According to the South African Human Rights Commission, one of the most prevalent forms of discrimination complaints in the nation is racism, particularly hate speech. In addition to being a problem from the past, racism is a current issue that requires attention and modification. The aim of this episode is to increase awareness of racism and find solutions to how we can manage and combat it.

The Future of Basic Education

In this week’s episode Alicia sits down with Siviwe Gwarube, the newly appointed Minister of Education. We aim to find out her vision for the future of education, her plans to address the current challenges facing our schools. This episode promises to provide an insightful look into the policies and initiatives that will shape the educational landscape in the years to come.

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