Episode 01

A Cape farmer, Sloet Steenkamp, is convicted of treason after joining the Boer republics in the Anglo-Boer War. At the very last minute, his execution is stopped: instead of being condemned to death, he is banished to a prison camp on St. Helena - for life. His wife, Annette, has to stay behind to look after the farm.

Episode 02

The conditions at Deadwood Camp are appalling. Sloet, who refuses to be imprisoned in any way, starts planning his escape. Young Danie wants to join him, but he can't swim and Sloet is not too willing to teach him. Back in the Cape, Mees Mouton is showing a lot of "neighbourly" concern for Annette Steenkamp.

Episode 03

Annette is very cool towards Mees. Stewart threatens to make life very difficult for Kortgiel if he doesn't come forward with the missing map.

Episode 04

Sloet is almost out of the camp when one of the soldiers discover his escape tunnel. The island is searched.

Episode 05

Annette tells Adam that she doesn't believe Sloet will ever come back. She also admits to Mees that she's tired of being on her own.

Episode 06

Sam is almost caught smuggling raisins and banana beer into Deadwood Camp.

Episode 07

The stomach virus in Deadwood Camp gets worse and the inmates demand better medication. Sloet is devastated when Skurf is shot and killed.

Episode 08

Buks and Keet hold the Wilks family hostage in the governor's mansion. They convince Wilks to write a letter to the queen requesting medical enforcements, but the English soldiers step in. Annette writes to Sloet, asking him for a divorce.

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